Murder, Rob Wrote

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Life through a crime writer’s eyes.

Welcome to my blog, where you can read and comment on all kinds of issues related to crime writing, novels and authors.

There are posts that go into more detail about aspects of my writing and novels, my journey as an author, and values and issues that spur me to put pen to paper.

Most of the time, you should find an element of fun in the posts, as it’s good to laugh, especially at yourself.

If you enjoy what you read, you can follow my blogs, so you don’t miss any. Please comment, share and forward to your friends and family.

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Latest Blog Posts

The Unsolvable Murder

Have you heard the one about the writer who couldn’t solve the murder in his first crime novel? Yeah, that was me. At the time, it was the kind of...

The story that refuses to go away

When I was a teenager at school, I was hopeless at maths. (I could spell differential calculus though.) One week the homework was a tricky equation...

How reading let me down

You wouldn’t think reading could let you down. But as a young child it seemed to be at the root of most of my troubles. Please don’t think I had a...

Do you know what your book’s about?

I thought I did. There I was, at the front of the church hall, being introduced by the chairperson, looking forward to my first public event as an...