Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie

Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie

19th August 2023.

Once more, Hercule Poirot is on hand to investigate a suspicious death. This time it’s a domineering matriarch who keeps such a tight control of her family, they are plotting to kill her. They’re on holiday, but it seems no one is enjoying themselves. On a trip to Petra Mrs Boynton dies. With a puncture mark on her wrist, a missing hypodermic syringe and digitoxin, it looks like the family’s wish has been fulfilled.

But nothing is ever that simple in a Poirot murder mystery. With only 24 hours to get to the truth, and enough suspects to keep him occupied, he sets about in his usual manner, relying on psychology to lead him to the killer.

As you would expect from Agatha Christie, the story twists and turns as suspect after suspect is shown to have motive, but not the means until all possibilities are eliminated to reveal the killer. It’s another masterclass in plotting and diversion, but the author also creates some vivid and distinctive characters, revealing her many talents as the Queen of Crime. She also manages to slip in some timely political commentary along the way.

The story grabs you from the first page and draws you through the gentle build up, filled with conflict, to the murder. Poirot’s investigations are always as intriguing as they are clever, as he sifts and sorts the lies from the truths. It’s all in plain sight, but difficult to work out the killer.

This gripping and entertaining whodunit easily stands the test of time.


A repugnant Amercian widow is killed during a trip to Petra…

Among the towering red cliffs of Petra, like some monstrous swollen Buddha, sat the corpse of Mrs Boynton. A tiny puncture mark on her wrist was the only sign of the fatal injection that had killed her.

With only 24 hours available to solve the mystery, Hercule Poirot recalled a chance remark he’d overheard back in Jerusalem: ‘You see, don’t you, that she’s got to be killed?’ Mrs Boynton was, indeed, the most detestable woman he’d ever met…

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